Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Strawberry French Toast

This is one of those recipes that everyone knows how to make but I wanted to post just as reminder so that I will remember to make it. I actually had a loaf of french bread that I needed to use up, so that is what I used. The french bread gave it an excellent taste and my whole family loved it.

* Sliced French Bread
* Sliced Strawberries or any fruit of your choice
* 4 Eggs
* Milk
* Syrup of your choice

*Break eggs into a bowl; beat lightly with a fork. Stir in milk.
Over medium-low heat, heat griddle or skillet.
*Place the bread slices, one at a time, into the bowl and coat both sides.
*Transfer bread slices to griddle or skillet, heating slowly until bottom is golden brown. Turn and brown the other side.

I served the French toast with hot butter and strawberry syrup and topped them with powdered sugar. *Optional you can add cinnamon to the egg mixture to give it a different taste.*

Ingredients, french bread, fruit, eggs, milk, syrup

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